
Unsiftedly Yours - Labyrinth unbirthday

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ScarletQuill's avatar

Literature Text

Sixty eight...
Days? Nights? Moons?
Time was different in the Labyrinth.
Not much changed on its outskirts, where even the more clever of the goblins had searched.
Clever being a bit of an oxymoron.
Like bittersweet chocolate or "we still can still be friends."
Still, even in the pit of thier being, the loyal minions noticed their realms leader had acted particularly moody...
They knew something had to be done.
Those that had been outside of the walls were somewhat knowledgable of the dangers seen long ago.
And compared strategies with them that survived the attack on their humble village...
It was a joint effort by all.
Complicated layering, so it was fair to say their was a decent amount of thought to the gift.
Or - that having no real fathom of the term *currency* - that goblins on the whole, were infamously cheap.
Though neither were likely too far from the truth.
With recollection, dissection and a fair amount of sheer luck the goblins would only be a few days *late*.
Though to be kind, it should be mentioned the handsome monarch hardly showed his age at all.
Much less made a big deal of the anniversary of his...
Looking up from his posture to the eager but expectant expression of the countless eyes and nominated (drafted) dwarf...
"What is it Hedwig?"
The impatient populace shifted, inching the messenger and the parcel forward...
Jareth noted the gift wrapping job.
It's attention to detail was nothing short of amazing.
Rough corners smoothed down, a joy to hold in the hands, really a treasure in itself and nearly a pity to ---

"You have to ...*open* it ...sir?"

The two-tone eyes quickly skimmed the damned populace for some level of additional emotion to make a recent example of.
But there was easily an assemblage which had not been matched in almost two-hundred...
His attention returned to the package in hand - which the other deftly undid the layers; as if it had been nothing more than an old newspaper and a crisscrossed rubber-band.  
And he stared immobile at the object revealed...
Gaudy trinkets and tiny, shiny objects attached (afflicted) to the boarders of the frame - where an image of his ultimate adversary - was thusly enshined within.
As was a part of his heart.
Which contrary to the popular belief, much like the sun in a northwestern winter sky, did exist.
In fact the select few within distance was sure they saw the glimpse of...
A smile?
"You didn't totally mess this up."
That would be all the praise the Goblin King would admit aloud.
But it was enough.
The collective din of the Labyrinth's inhabitants was felt all the way over to the otherwise typical morning.
Where a blissfully unaware Sarah had felt an odd but not unwelcome warmth from being thought of...
Being a part of.
After all that time.
An early birthday present to someone I'd become close to before placing be in the friend zone.
When something is so cold, it burns! Also dedicated to David Bowie who celebrated his birthday on the two hundred anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans. Happy 2015 everyone :)
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tmwillson3's avatar
Awww....such a nice gift from the goblins.... though I think they got outside help with the wrapping ;-) And the bit about Sarah being enshrined in his heart was beautiful! :D